An insurance agency that works for YOU.

Our Mission

To go above and beyond in the service of our clients by protecting what they care about most, in the most affordable way possible.

Plain and simple. We serve our clients above all else. Because we’re not bound by restrictive contracts, we’re free to give you the coverage that is best for you.

We founded E.A. Insurance group to be different. Over 70% of agencies quote only one company and work in the best interest of that company, not their client. Here, we have one simple goal: to serve our clients in the best way possible, and we achieve this by writing policies for several carriers to ensure the best rates.
— Ethan Adler, Co-Founder


We exist because we believe in protecting people. Not just from financial loss, but also from overpaying insurance. The difference between a “best-fit” carrier and a “worst-fit” carrier can be up to 250%, meaning that someone who has a carrier charging $700 might find one that only charges $200, and granted, situations like this may be rare, but we want to save you every penny possible.

For the most part, insurance agents work on a commission from one carrier and tend to act in the best interest of that carrier, not their clients. We aim to disrupt this. We put our clients, their needs, and their savings first. Different people need different coverage, and we advise them on what coverage works the best for them, and then match them with the carrier that provides that coverage in the most cost effective manner.

Many of us spend years establishing ourselves, and everything we’ve built is often only ONE INCIDENT away from collapsing, but protection often comes at a high price. Here, we serve your best interest by making that protection cost effective. In other words, the product you need, at price you’ll love.